I wanted to share with you all a new book that came out a few weeks ago; GMO Free Child by April Scott, “the Clean Food Advocate.” It’s a parent’s guide to dietary clean-up of genetically modified organisms. I mention this book not only because a friend wrote it, but I’m also in it, and it’s full of very needed information for parenting and life in today’s world. If you don’t think it takes a village to raise children, it absolutely does and the better you get to know your neighbors, communities and get involved in the lives of children, the better off you and they will be. If you even want to consider having children or grandchildren you need to understand what’s changing within our genome, with our soil, our plants, our food, our health and our fertility.
From the opening poem by Ghandi

Seven Deadly Sins are:
Wealth Without Work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Business without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle

This is the key to where we are right now, at a crossroads, or as some have said we’ve crossed that path of humanity, health and science. While I deeply feel that our wants and needs of humanity are very similar we seem to have some very extreme ideas of how to accomplish that goal of human happiness. For me the ultimate wealth is health and right now our health is in serious peril. I see one major culprit which will not leave my conscience and heart from wanting to share the warning that our processed, pasteurized and heavily pesticide sprayed food supply. A toxic stream of chemicals from seed to fruit, in processing, denaturing, milled and mixed the toxic chemical glyphosate is everywhere. It is the “active” ingredient in Monsanto’s famed Round Up, you probably have some of this carcinogenic chemical in your garage. So please do me a favor and the bees a favor, let those dandelions live this spring. I know they are invasive, and everywhere but the deadly side effects and genomic damage of glyphosate is becoming much more understood than ever before.
Johnathan Latham spells it out pretty quickly how our regulatory agencies have failed to protect us from toxic chemicals and how certain bans only produce more toxic replacements, or if you’ve had a chance to listen to Stephanie Seneff and Michael Antonio describe how glyphosate is mimicking glycine (one of the basic cell building blocks. It’s very clear to me that we need to start with all our worries, concerns and cares in America should be 100% focused on our food supply, it’s the 1 solution for climate change, by regenerating and returning carbon to our soil via small permaculture based organic farming would be the fastest and most worthy endeavor we could take on. Eating less meat, putting less toxins in our bodies, our children and our dinner tables is key more than ever. This Month of Child Nutrition the best thing you can do is learn about how toxic glyphosate is in the body, the gut, our soil and what’s happening to our seeds.
We need to learn how to avoid it, grow our own, eat organic and constantly detox. Until we change the tides of our genetically modified corporate parasitic organism we will be too ill, to depressed, too anxious to do anything about our state of affairs. As we await the verdict of the Monsanto Tribunal for crimes against humanity, as we listen worldwide to the brave countries who have kicked these corporations and foundations out for misbehaving and corruption, we need all hands-on deck to protect our health, our children, our soil, the bees and our future. Talk to your neighbors, your children, your parents, we all know someone with a chronic illness now, or infertility. Know what you are eating, buying and ordering always! We are running out of time and the consequences of our poor processed system have really started catching up with us.

GMO Free Child by April Scott
Twisted Truth Altered Genes by Stephen Druker
Moms Across America

• Broth is typically made with meat and can contain a small amount of bones (think of the bones in a fresh whole chicken). Broth is typically simmered for a short period (45 minutes to 2 hours). It is very light in flavor, thin in texture and rich in protein.
• Stock is typically made with bones and can contain a small amount of meat (think of the meat that adheres to a beef neck bone). Often the bones are roasted before simmering them as this simple technique greatly improves the flavor. Beef stocks, for example, can present a faint acrid flavor if the bones aren’t first roasted. Stock is typically simmered for a moderate amount of time (3 to 4 hours). Stock is a good source of gelatin.
• Bone Broth is typically made with bones and can contain a small amount of meat adhering to the bones. As with stock, bones are typically roasted first to improve the flavor of the bone broth. Bone broths are typically simmered for a very long period (often for 8 hours, and sometimes more than 24 hours), with the purpose being not only to produce gelatin from collagen-rich joints but also to release a small amount of trace minerals from bones. At the end of cooking, the bones should crumble when pressed lightly between your thumb and forefinger.
One of my favorite memories of working in the canaries as a kid was watching the elder ladies cutting halibut cheeks or pulling halibut heads for soup and stocks before they were disposed of. They always had the best recipes and in most traditional native cultures there is a whole fish head recipe somewhere.
Why are bone broths so healing? Well we head back to the glyphosate, mimicking glycine in the body, which is depleting our natural production of it. Glyphosate is also a chelator pulling minerals out of the body and soil making them unavailable as well as an antibiotic disrupting the delicate balance of flora and fauna in the gut and allowing for proliferation of unwanted and harmful bacteria and essentially killing all the good bacteria. Bone broths are rich in protein, minerals, glycine, Glycine supports the body’s detoxification process, and synthesis of hemoglobin, bile salts, Proline also supports digestion and secretion of gastric acids, vitamin c. Having a rich amount of gelatin, which support good digestion and healthy skin.

Halibut Head Bone Broth

  • 1 halibut head and bones (remove gills and scrub gill cavity, remove cheeks)
  • 1 medium leek washed and diced
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 whole Lemon
  • ⅓ cup fennel chopped
  • ⅔ cup of celery
  • 2 tsp dill
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 1” piece of kombu seaweed
  • 2 tsp coconut oil

In a heavy large bottomed pot fill halfway full with water and put on high. When boiling submerse (blanch) the halibut head in the hot water for 2 minutes. Remove the head with tongs into a bowl nearby and rinse under cold water, look for any blood or grit to remove and wash thoroughly with clean water.
Rinse out the large pot and return to burner, add the halibut head, celery, fennel, half lemon squeezed, bay leaf and coconut oil on medium heat for three minutes to release the aromatics. Cover with quality filtered or spring water bring to a slow simmer. Add wine and remaining ingredients, make sure to skim off any film or grey sludge that may appear on the top. Simmer on low heat for an additional hour.
Strain the stock in a colander into a pitcher, then filter thru a coffee filter or triple layers of cheesecloth. I put into large mason jars for storage, then make ice cubes of the stock. Frozen it will last for six months and is great to have on hand to add to sauces, dishes and as a drinking broth.
My new favorite pantry addition is a gluten free, non-gmo, organic ramen noodles found at Costco, add noodles to halibut bone broth, green onions, smashed ginger and garlic, sliced carrots, baby bok choy and a beaten egg and in 12 minutes you’ve got a hearty meal to heal your gut and begin the journey to restore balance and health to the body.

From my table to yours,