If you’re traveling through Southeast Alaska this month, we invite you to join us for the many events held throughout the region.

January 1st | Haines | Polar Bear Swim, www.haines.ak.us

January 1st | Wrangell | 15th Annual Polar Bear Swim, www.wrangell.com

January 1st | Petersburg | Polar Dip, www.petersburg.org

January 1st | Juneau | 23rd Annual Polar Bear Dip, www.jahc.org

January 7th | Sitka | Russian Christmas & Starring, www.sitka.org

January 16th – 18th | Haines | Alcan 200 International Snow Machine Race, www.haines.ak.us

Have an event you’d like to see advertised?  Contact Southeast Living Magazine at info@seakliving.com.

Amanda Pilley has lived in Southeast Alaska for most of her adult life and recently moved back to Juneau for the third time. She is a graduate of Albertson College of Idaho with a degree in Creative Writing. To reach Amanda, please feel free to email her at amanda_pilley@hotmail.com.