If you’re traveling through Southeast Alaska this month, we invite you to join us for the many events held throughout the region.

July 1st – Aug. 16th | Petersburg

Canned Salmon Classic


July 3rd – 4th | Coffman Cove

Silver Salmon Tournament


July 4th | Statewide

Fourth of July Celebration

July 8th | Skagway

Soapy Smith’s Wake


July 15th | Juneau

Midsummer Night Run


July 18th | Juneau

Eaglecrest Road Race


July 18th | Sitka

Alpine Adventure Run

Email: Horan@acsalaska.net

July 22nd – 26th | Wrangell

Alaska Bearfest


Have an event you’d like to see advertised?  Contact Southeast Living Magazine at info@seakliving.com.

Amanda was raised in a small farming town at the base of the Rocky Mountain range.  She enthusiastically experiments with foraged foods, occasionally dabbles in creative design, and is fast approaching a life list of 200 birds.  Currently, she lives and works in Alaska’s capital city.  Amanda can be reached at: amanda_pilley@hotmail.com.